Moroccan Borders reopening

The Moroccan government has announced the re-opening of its borders on the 7th of February.

G-OPS has recently been awarded by ONDA (Office national des aéroports) the licence to provide flight supervision and administrative support in major Moroccan airports.

The national airports’ office’s trust in G-OPS shines a light on our high quality service and the trustworthiness attributed to our services. It is an honor to have been selected to operate in the multiple Moroccan airports for the next 7 years.

Physically based and implanted in Morocco for several years, our team is well acquainted with the local airports’ specificities and are able to provide you with the most adapted and detailed level of service you could ask for.

For any operational needs or to learn more about specific conditions for entry, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team :

Stay tuned for more news on borders.

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